zaterdag 24 november 2012

The Graham Norton Show

Original airing date: 23 November 2012 at BBC one

In this episode Graham Norton has four guests: Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Palin, Jack Whitehall and Michael Buble. In the beginning Graham Norton gave a quick introduction about his guests, then Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Buble and Jack Whitehall came in and talked about what their current activities are and some things about their personal life. About fourteen minutes before the end of the show Michael Palin came in and five minutes before the end of the show, Michael Buble gave a performance. In the end two men from the audience told a humorous story.

I did not know the Graham Norton show before, but I really think it was very funny. Not just Graham Norton, but the guest as well. They told some very funny stories, and a couple of times I laughed very hard. At one point Graham Norton read a text message out loud from a women in the audience, and I think if it was a real text message, he went too far. In my opinion that is something private. It could have been that he made it up, but a moment later Michael Buble saw the message and sang the exact same message.  

vrijdag 16 november 2012

Georgia Varley train fall death: Christopher McGee jailed

In October 2011 a 16-year-old girl named Georgia Varley died when she fell between a train and the platform. Christopher McGee was a railway guard and he signaled the driver to depart the station. Unfortunately Georgia Varley was leaning against the train when it left. The railroad guard should have seen the state of the girl, as she had three times more than the legal amount of alcohol in her blood. The jury found Christopher McGee guilty of manslaughter by gross negligence and he was jailed for five years. The judge said: “[y]our decision and action determined whether Georgia Varley was safe from risk.”

I agree with the jury’s judgment that Christopher McGee was guilty of manslaughter by gross negligence. She was the only one left on the platform, so he should have seen the state of the girl. He could know that it is very dangerous to lean against a train, and the least he could do was warn the girl that it was dangerous. It was not enough just to assume that she was going to get out of the way; it is his job to make sure everyone is safe. I hope that this will be an example for future railway guards, so they know that it is never enough to assume something. 

maandag 12 november 2012


Good morning!

My name is Amanda van der Meeren and welcome to my new blog. During the course of British Culture I will make 14 blogs about British topics. In every blog I will discuss one topic and then I will give my opinion about it. I hope you will give me feedback on my blogs, so I can improve my blogging.

Enjoy reading! 

Kind regards,

Amanda van der Meeren